Troy & Danielle's Pika Packs Raffle

Want to contribute to what is probably
the largest collection of Pikachu cards anywhere
over 5600 of them!!

You know you want to!!

Enter into the Pika Packs Raffle! You'll receive raffle tickets for every Pikachu card you donate,
plus extras based on the rarity of the cards!

For every common Pikachu - 1 ticket
For every uncommon Pikachu - 2 tickets
For every Promo Pikachu - 3 tickets
For every Rare Holo Pikachu - 4 tickets
For every Shining Pika - 10 tickets!

The more Pikachu cards that are donated in total, the more packs to be given out to the winners!

If less than 10 Pikachus are donated, 2 packs will go to 2 people.
If between 10 and 19 Pikachus are donated, 3 packs will go to 2 people.
If between 20 and 39 Pikachus are donated, 4 packs will go to 2 people.
If between 40 and 59 Pikachus are donated, 5 packs will go to 2 people.
If more than 59 Pikachus are donated, 6 packs will go to 2 people.


Bring in all those Pikachu cards you don't need! They'll go to a good home in the Pika Collection!!